The key to long-term weight loss success is not just the body, but even more important, the mind and emotions. Research indicates that those who have a positive outlook on life are more likely to lose weight-and stay thin!
So, is it possible to “will your way” to losing weight?
Research says it is…
One technique that has been proven effective in sports training is something called visualization.
For instance, a baseball player might visualize his bat connecting with a ball, leading to a home run. A soccer player might visualize kicking the winning goal in a soccer match. And a golfer might visualize sinking the winning putt in a tournament.
The same technique can be used by dieters. Visualize yourself as thin.
Take a moment…picture yourself in that outfit that is now two sizes too small. Imagine stepping onto the scale and being pleased with the result…and seeing your ideal weight. Visualize yourself saying “no” to that piece of chocolate cake or that plate of fettuccini alfredo.
These mind exercises have been proven to help with weight loss.
The other option is to see yourself as overweight and never fitting into that outfit and never reaching your ideal weight.
Seeing yourself as the person you want to become is the place to start. #youcandoit #challengeyourself #dreamit #visualizeit #believeit #startnow#joinme
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